Dedicated to indie productions and small cinematographies, Motovun Film Festival emphasizes esthetical, thematic and geographical diversity; celebrates unconventionality and originality at all costs. The key is to create a cozy and magical spot for those who are in love with the magic of cinema and not to become a huge festival, but to use terms such as huge only in its quality and ambition.
Situated in a fort, some 270 meters above sea level, on the top of the hill that dominates Mirna river valley, Motovun is one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Istria – and a perfect set for this unique and must-visit film festival.
When: July 25-30, 2023
Where: Motovun, Istria region, Croatia
Why: Spectacular location. Films from small cinematographies and independent productions.
Photo credits: Nina Đurđević & Matej Grgić / Motovun Film Festival; banner & cover photo © Motovun Film Festival