This Year… We’re All Going to The Moon: BEST MUSIC AND ART FESTIVALS IN EUROPE 2019:
For the second year in a row, Indie Voyager is presenting its picks for the best, craziest, indie & alternative music/art festivals you just have to visit here in Europe. This year, Indie’s recommending some new places and amazing festival experiences; the heart of Transylvania, a progressive festival with 7 stages and line-ups nearby Amsterdam along with the ones you probably already know if you visited this website in 2018: Seasplash’s amazing vibe this year located in Dalmatia, Meadow’s Rhodope Mountains or spectacular nature/rural surroundings of south-western Asturias…
And this list is only gonna get longer. And even more adventurous.
So guys, make your plans, pack your bags… This year we’re all going to the Moon…
This list expired unfortunately… But there’s a new one for this summer – check it out here!
Featured photo art by Proxima (Instagram)