Say again? There’s a Rainforest in Europe?!

Yeah, you read that right.

Perućica is “one of the last remaining primeval forests in Europe”, located in Bosnia Herzegovina, near the border with Montenegro. The exact location you’ll be looking for if you’re planning to check it out is Sutjeska National Park.

The forest has many trees that are 300 years old, and the primeval forest’s vintage is stated to be 20,000 years. (source).

Photo by Nikola Majksner on Unsplash

Now, the entire national park is incredible, and really a fascinating destination in Europe, and for those who along with outdoor activities seek for a music festival experience, there’s one really cool to check out: OK fest, that takes place every year in mid July.

Before starting your trip, find all necessary information on the official website of the National Park Sutjeska here.