An All-Around Wellness Sensation: PYRAMID FESTIVAL

Okay, first let’s get the pronunciation thing out of the way.
Rtanj. I know how complicated this word must seem. Rtany. The R-T part is really wild, I get it, but if you overcome that, just slap the A-NY part to it.
Yeah, to be honest, the “NY” can be complicated as well…. Soooo, what might help with that one is the fact that the NY sound you can find in Italian, and it’s spelled as GN. Think Gnocchi.
See… Piece of cake. Lol. Let’s go:

“There’s Rtanj!” – my car-sharing buddy points out as we ski the winding roads of eastern Serbia. I quickly glance to my left, and suddenly, everything goes quiet — the car noises, our chatter, even the great song playing on the radio in that very moment. And I couldn’t help but smile at the impressive sight of the mountain ahead of us.
Man, it really does resemble a pyramid.
I stepped out of the car in the charming little town of Boljevac, and hitchhiked the first vehicle coming my way – a van – that took me to the festival area. At the entrance, during the security check, the driver started laughing as he opened the back door. “Oh, it’s just chicken… and this one here,” while pointing at me.
Pretty funny arrival to my first alternative festival since 2022! I can’t believe I took almost two years off from these events…

The Pyramid Festival crew did an outstanding job for their first edition. They picked out a fantastic location and the vibes on the spot were just eclectic; you can feel energy all around.

Picture this: you’re on the main stage dancing; this monumental mountain takes up an entire visual frame in front of you, and as the night comes up, the whole experience gets more special and more unique. A perfect blend of nature that surrounds you and lifts your spirits with kind and beautiful people who share these special moments with you.
I’m sure I mentioned this in some of my previous indie reviews, but there’s something special in these types of festivals as you immediately feel welcomed and get infused with that great loving vibe of coming “home”.
The Pyramid was all of that. A special place with kind people to round off an amazing festival adventure that was worth every minute I spent there.

And if you’re visiting next year, go by car. Go visit festival surroundings. Definitely go on a night hike to see the spectacular moment of the sunrise kissing the horizon, and that unreal pyramid-shaped shade covering parts of the valley. Sip the famous Rtanj tea, an elixir that rejuvenates your body…
Cause visiting Pyramid Festival is an all-around wellness sensation.

Still not quite sure? Just take an advice from the famous Serbian geographer and ethnologist Jovan Cvijic:
“No mountain and no mountain peak in Serbia makes such a deep impression on the observer as Rtanj. It combines calmness, grandeur and symmetry. Its main massive ridge, 5.6 km long, rises calmly from a wide base, terminating in a towering shape with an almost regular dome. There is something individual and impressive in it, just like in all great personalities…”